Nestled in the heart of Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, lies Mangalam-Kalpataru Industries LLP, a pioneering force in sustainable resource utilization. This region is renowned for its expansive 20,000 hectares of flourishing banana cultivations. With an unwavering commitment to harnessing untapped potential, we have established a cutting-edge processing unit dedicated to banana stems.
Our journey at MK Industries revolves around a singular mission: to tackle the pressing issue of ‘Solid Waste Management’ that emerges after the banana harvest. By ingeniously repurposing the often-overlooked Banana pseudostem, we’ve paved the way for a transformative shift. These pseudo-stems, once deemed waste, have been ingeniously transformed into a versatile raw material. This remarkable resource now finds purpose across diverse industries such as textiles, organic agricultural inputs, and an array of value-added end products. From the realm of home décor to the realm of intricate handicrafts, the resulting Banana Fiber breathes new life into everyday items, infusing them with eco-conscious elegance.