Sakal-Samruddhi contains not only essential plant nutrient but also plant growth regulators viz. NAA, cytokinin and GA3 as well as some beneficial soil conditioning as well as waste decomposing organisms. It also contains bacteria which can improve soil health and can be useful in different stages of plant growth e.g. vegetative development, Flowering, Fruit setting, Fruit development etc. It also contains bacteria which can improve soil health and can be useful in different stages of plant growth e.g. vegetative development, Flowering, Fruit setting, Fruit development etc.
- Product Features :
- 100% Pure Organic Product.
- It supplies plant nutrients (N, P, K) including micronutrients.
- It contains naturally occurring growth promoters.
- It improves soil physical properties like structure, water holding capacity etc.,
- It contains botanical pesticides.
- It increases the availability of nutrients.
- Product Benefits :
- The product which is used in agriculture to improve soil
- fertility and enhance crop productivity.
- Enhance vigorous root development and growth.
- It enhances total plant growth, number of flowers, maximum conversion of flowers into fruits and pods.
- It is a growth promoter; it is very helpful in nursery plants.
- It reduces fruit drop and increase fruit size and setting.
- Product Content :
- Natural Plant Extracts, Primary Nutrients; Secondry Nutrients
- Chemical Free plant Growth regulators viz. NAA,cytokinin and GA3
- Micro Nutrients & Culture Azotobactor, Rhizobium
- Product Strength :
- Poisonous effect on Insect – Pest.
- They help farmers grow more food on less land by protecting crops from insect- pests as well as raising productivity per hectare.
- Another valuable feature is that they achieve the increase of activity in bacteria and fungi that benefit the soil.
- Long term environmental benefits as they are not contaminate lands and waters.
- Far safer to the overall crop for both grazers and farmers.
- No residual can be found as it is organic in nature.